Jacob's Family Guy Website
hello family guy lovers

Have you always wanted to know more about family guy than you do now. Well look no further because this is the website for you. My website will give you all the info you need about anything to do with family guy. So please chose a page and enjoy.

I have enjoyed watching every single episode so far and cant wait for the new series to start. Since i started watching Family Guy I have realized that in any circumstance my talent would be Family Guy trivia. I know what your thinking "he cant really know that much about family guy". well listen good. If i didn't would i know that Seth Macfarlene was supposed to be on the 2nd plane that crashed into the twin towers but missed it by 30 minutes because his taxi driver had to stop off for gas.

Now i can just imagine the look on your faces when reading this so please take your time around my website and remember. No matter what Family Guy will carry on forever unless eventually peter's theory about robots, ninja's and dinosaurs working together to destroy the world but we can assume that wont happen until Stewie figures out if he's bi or gay. Anyway I'm rambling so enjoy. Yeah.